Vocal EQ Cheat Sheet

Ep 01: Church Live Stream Fails

Kade Young
Kade Young
Chief Audio Guru

Like mostly everyone else, we had to switch to 100% online services at our church when COVID-19 quarantine went into effect. Safe to say we had a few mishaps... but we figured it out along the way.

In this podcast, we talk about what went wrong with our live streams and how we fixed it.


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3 comments on “Ep 01: Church Live Stream Fails”

  1. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I've been learning a lot about compression and reverb on the live stream so it is neat to hear that I'm not the only one. I think it is interesting that your guitar is not as present as I typically mix it, but then again our worship leader is the guitar player so it makes sense for that to be more to the front. We finally had our first "perfect" stream 5/17 and then this week 5/24 our M32 locked up 1 minute into the first worship song. We haven't yet brought in a full band, we're sticking to a guitar a couple of vocals and a keyboard. I appreciated your joke about no video gaming on Sunday morning :). We ended up using VMIX as our software for streaming, the associate pastor did some research and found ,back in March anyway, that it was the best choice.
    100 meters is max length on a standard ethernet run 🙂

  2. Thank you so much Kade for sharing your experience. This has brought to my understanding that compression and reverb on the live stream are such a killer.

    There is an element that i was expectant of you to share as well but all in vain and this was in regards to the entire list of requirements as to have the live streaming solution up and running and as well not forgetting the number cameras being used in this regard.

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