Vocal EQ Cheat Sheet

Make Your Sermon Recording Sound Awesome (Auphonic Review)

Kade Young
Kade Young
Chief Audio Guru

Have you ever struggled with the volume being too quiet for your recorded sermon?

Or, maybe one week it’s loud, the next it’s kind of soft, and you are just looking for a way to keep it consistent week after week.

I’m going to show you a really simple way to make it sound like your sermon audio was mastered to perfection every week.


This one online tool has saved me so much time, and it’s probably one of my favorite tools of all time.

Auphonic.com - The automatic audio post-production web service.

I was skeptical when I first heard of it, but I was also short on time. So I figured it was worth a shot. And I am so glad I tried it out!

The audio in the video above was processed through Auphonic. If you haven't yet, give it a watch and listen for yourself.

We use Auphoic for all of our spoken audio recordings, whether a sermon, a testimony video, or anything in between.

4 Benefits of Auphonic

Auphonic does four things for you automatically:

#1: Auphonic corrects level differences within one file between music and speech.

This means you could run your whole service through Auphonic so the music and sermon are the same loudness level.

#2: Auphonic normalizes overall loudness.

Have you ever listened to different podcasts back-to-back where one was too quiet and the other was too loud? Yeah, they need to be using Auphonic.

You simply set the loudness target and all your audio files you run through Auphonic will be equally as loud.

#3: Auphonic removes unwanted low frequencies.

Sometimes you forget to put a low cut filter on your microphone, or maybe you didn’t set it right. This is where Auphonic saves your tail. It automatically detects unwanted low frequencies and removes them.

#4: Auphonic removes hums and unwanted noise.

Did you have an air conditioner running in the background? Or a buzz caused by some kind of interference? Auphonic will take it out for you, automatically.

In case you can’t tell, I love Auphonic. It works really well and saves me so much time.

How to Use Auphonic

Let me show you how to process an audio file with Auphonic.

  1. Once logged in at auphonic.com, click New Production
  2. Upload your audio file
  3. Under Output Files, use the MP3 format with a bitrate of 256 kilobits per second (This is usually the right balance between file size and quality.)
  4. Under Audio Algorithms, select all four of the options:
    • Adaptive Leveler
    • Loudness Normalization
    • Filtering
    • Noise and Hum Reduction
  5. For loudness target, use -16 LUFS
  6. Set reduction amount to auto
  7. Finally, click Start Production

It takes just a few minutes to process your file and then you will be able to download the new audio file and upload to wherever it is going next.

Auphonic Settings Cheat Sheet

To make this easier to implement, I put together an Auphonic settings cheat sheet:

Download Auphonic Settings Cheat Sheet (click here)

Use the cheat sheet to create a preset in Auphonic and you’ve earned yourself an extended coffee break!

Be sure to get a good recording from the start.

Keep in mind that you have to give Auphonic good audio to work with, so you’ll want to make sure your mix is the best it can be.

That’s what Church Sound Made Simple is all about. Get access now by visiting churchsoundmadesimple.com.


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3 comments on “Make Your Sermon Recording Sound Awesome (Auphonic Review)”

  1. I have a question - can you use Auphonic with a live-stream? We don't usually do post production.

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